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glutamic acid 【化學】麩胺酸,谷氨酸。


The feeding of glutamic acid , glutamine and a - keto - glutaric acid respectively showed that glutamic acid and glutamine had no obvious effects on cell growth , but stimulated apramycin production greatly . with the same concentration of amino acids supplemented , glutamine showed a stronger stimulation effect than glutamic acid , while a - keto - glutaric acid showed a repression effect on apramycin production . it could be deduced from above results that glutamine possibly is the donor of nitrogen element for the biosynthesis of apramycin Glu 、 gln及?酮戊二酸添加實驗結果表明glu 、 gln對菌體的生長無明顯的影響,但能強烈促進安普霉素的生物合成,且相同濃度條件下gln的促進作用明顯高于glu ,而?酮戊二酸則對安普霉素的生物合成有抑制作用。

Arginine feeding experiment showed that nitrogen metabolism in the s . tenebraius was obviously affected by arginine through two possible ways : ( l ) pronase activity in vitro could be influnced by arginine , as a result , the catabolism of nitrogen - containing macro - molecule was promoted and the nitrogen element in the broth was increased . ( 2 ) arginine could be transformed into glutamic acid , so that the biosynthesis of apramycin was promoted 因而我們認為gln可能是安普霉素生物合成氮元素的供體。 arg添加實驗結果表明, arg可能通過兩種途徑影響黑暗鏈霉菌體內的氮代謝: ( 1 ) arg可能影響胞外蛋白酶的活性,進而促進含氮大分子物質的分解代謝,補充發酵過程中的氮素來源。

Papaya each containing 100 grams of up to 529 mg of amino acids , aspartic acid 149 mg , 34 mg glutamic acid , arginine 31 mg , 28 mg valine , isoleucine 34 mg , 34 mg lysine , oleanolic acid 70 mg , 24 . 9 mg calcium , vc96 . 8 mg apple ' s 48 times , pectin 9 . 5 % , 16 . 8 % of total sugar , high nutrient content of papaya and other non - comparable papaya 每100克木瓜含氨基酸高達529毫克,其中門冬氨酸149毫克,谷氨酸34毫克,精氨酸31毫克,纈氨酸28毫克,異亮氨酸34毫克,賴氨酸34毫克,齊墩果酸70毫克,鈣24 . 9毫克, vc96 . 8毫克是蘋果的48倍,果膠9 . 5 % ,總糖16 . 8 % ,營養含量之高非番木瓜和其他木瓜可比。

Recently , ldl apheresis has been applied in clinic and achieves a satisactory effect . in this dissertation , the tripeptide , serine - aspartic - glutamic acid ( sde ) , which existes in the cooh - terminal end of the seven repeats in the ligand binding domain of the ldl receptor and plays an important role in identifying ldl , was synthetized and immobilized onto the polyacrylamide ( paam ) beads as a bionic adsorbent for selective removal of ldl from plasma 本論文以絲氨酰-天冬氨酰-谷氨酸( sde )負電性三肽(此三肽廣泛存在于ldl受體配體結合域7個重復序列的羧基末端,對ldl受體特異性識別ldl起著重要作用)作為配體固定到聚丙烯酰胺微球載體上制成仿生性ldl親和吸附劑,考察其對人血漿中ldl及hdl的吸附功效。

A kind of chiral azo molecule derived from amino acid , n - [ 4 - ( 4 - dodecyloxyphenylazo ) benzoyl ] - l - glutamic acid ( c12 - azo - l - glu ) , was investigated . the photochromism , photoinduced birefringence , and holographic recording in c12 - azo - l - glu doped poly ( methyl methacrylate ) ( pmma ) films were studied . c12 - azo - l - glu underwent a reversible tram - cis - trans isomerization in the polymer matrix 我們利用手性偶氮苯染料c _ ( 12 ) - azo - l - glu摻雜聚甲基丙稀酸甲脂( pmma )薄膜為實驗樣品,對其光致變色過程,光致雙折射和全息存儲特性進行了研究分析。

Considering that aspartic acid ( d ) and glutamic acid ( e ) are very similar to each other , together with the biological function of the landmark , thus that the two landmarks can be regarded as no difference ; 3 ) conservative cysteine in terms of their numbers and positions in the extracellular domain . in ghr1 group , fghrl and zfghrl have seven cysteins , which are the same as that of quadruped . in ghr2 group which includes cohoghr isf1 , cohoghr isf2 , chghr , fghr2 and zfghr2 , the cysteine number and positon are very similar to each other but are different from ghr1 group . especially , the fghr2 has five cysteins that is one more than zfghr2 ; 3 ) conservative boxl domain . with all the ghrs identified so far , boxl are comprised of ppxpxp ( x represents any amino acid ) 在fghri和zfghri都為7個,數目和四足動物ghr一致;在fghrz胞外膚氨酸殘基為5個, zfghrz為4個,和同屬于ghrz的eohoghrisfl 、 eohoghrisfz 、 ehghr基本保持一致,但是卻和傳統的ghri有比較大的區別; 3 )本試驗克隆和分離得到ghri和ghrz以及所有目前發表的ghr都有比較保守的boxl結構域,氨基酸組成為ppxpxp ,研究表明最后兩個脯氨酸殘基作用最大; 4 )在所有ghr中都完全一致的boxz ,序列為料efi ; 5 )在ghri和ghrz胞內部分都比較保守的酪氨酸殘基,他們被認為在信號傳導中起作用。

Glutamic acid decarboxylase ( gad ) is a major target antigen of humoral and cellular autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes mellitus . the autoantibodies against gades protein is the most early and specific marker for type 1 diabetes mellitus , so it has been applied to the clinical practices widely 谷氨酸脫羧酶( gad )是胰島b細胞的一種主要自身抗原,與1型糖尿病細胞免疫和體液免疫有密切關系,已廣泛應用于臨床,作為糖尿病預測、診斷、分型、療效監測的重要依據。

The studies made in the thesis are summarized as follows : 1 . a series piezoelectric quartz crystal ( spqc ) sensor has been applied to detect l - glutamic acid and l - lysine . the effect of formaldehyde on the frequency shift was studied 本學位論文研究工作總結如下:一、利用串聯式壓電石英傳感器對電導的靈敏響應用兩種方法對l -谷氨酸和l -賴氨酸進行了定量測定,并探討了甲醛溶液濃度對測定的影響。

C4s made the elongated ( 101 ) crystal face longer and the crystals become thinner while cattle serum albumen only made com become thinner . l - glutamic acid , one of amino residues , increased the edges and corners of com crystals ) 01 )晶面變成拉長的六邊形,而且晶體的厚度變薄; l - glu使草酸鈣晶體棱角明顯增多,形成多棱“不規則”晶體; csa也使草酸鈣晶體變薄。

As expected from the reaction mechanism , the carboxyl groups of aspartic and glutamic acid residues were not modified , while the amino groups that could react with the activated peptides were concomitantly protected by formylation 如反應機理所預測的那樣,天門冬氨酸和谷氨酸殘基未被修飾,而能與活性肽反應的氨基則同時被甲酰化保護起來。

Through the theoretical prediction and experiment tests , electrodialysis method could be used directly to separate glutamic acid and glutamine , and a little ammonium sulfate in the mixture benefited the separation process 通過理論預測和實驗驗證,可以用電滲析法直接分離谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸,且原料中少量的硫酸銨有利于分離過程的進行。

Theanine , the ethyl amide of glutamic acid , is the main amino acid in the fresh leaf and contributes 1 to 2 percent of the dried weight , but other amino acids arise during the early part of the processing 茶氨酸是谷氨酸的乙酰胺,它是鮮茶葉中的主要氨基酸,占干茶葉重量的1 ~ 2 % ,其它氨基酸則是在加工早期出現的。

The finest quality , most easily assimilated whey protein anywhere . delivers high levels of branched chain amino and glutamic acids , plus a potent blend of other amino acids 該乳清蛋白具有高品質和最易于吸收的特點,它是一系列復合氨基酸的高度濃縮產物。

In order to improve the microorganism fermentation process of producing glutamine , an electrodialysis method was developed to separate glutamic acid and glutamine 摘要為改進微生物發酵法生產谷氨酰胺的流程,提出用電滲析方法來分離谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸。

The electrocatalytic oxidation of nitric oxide at carbon black microelectrode modified by cobalt complex with n - salicylidene glutamic acid 生理性一氧化氮在水楊醛谷氨酸合鈷修飾碳黑微電極上的電催化氧化

Dynamic changes and significance of glutamic acid devarboxylase protein in the hippocampus of rats with temporal lobe epilepsy 顳葉癲癇大鼠海馬內谷氨酸脫羧酶蛋白表達的動態變化及其意義

Construction of fed - batch fermentation kinetics model of l - glutamic acid temperature - sensitive mutant by matlab 軟件構建谷氨酸溫度敏感突變株補料分批發酵動力學模型

Determination of sucrose in poly - - glutamic acid fermentation liquor by capillary electrophoresis with uv detection 毛細管電泳紫外檢測聚谷氨酸發酵液中蔗糖濃度

Glutamine an amino acid formed by the addition of ammonia to glutamic acid , using energy from atp 谷氨酰胺:是以atp為能量來源使谷氨酸加一個氨形成的氨基酸。